4 Understanding Chrome Extensions Background Scripts
Simply put background scripts are service workers JavaScript files that handle the extensions main events. They operate independent of a webpage and/or the extension popup.
Setting Up Background Scripts
Here is code on how you declare a background script in the manifest.json
"background": {
"service_worker": "background.js",
"type": "module"
The JavaScript file background.js
can be named anything and be placed into any folder/directories just make sure that it the path should relative to the manifest.json
file location.
"background": {
"service_worker": "./background/my-background-script.js",
"type": "module"
Use Cases of Background Scripts
Although background scripts are not mandatory to have in our extensions, they proof to be very useful. You can run code when important event occur in our extensions for instance;
When a User Installs the extension
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function (details) {
const INSTALL = "install", UPDATE = "update", CHROME_UPDATE = "chrome_update", SHARED_UPDATE = "shared_module_update";
if (details.reason === INSTALL) {
// Do something here.
if (details.reason === UPDATE || details.reason === CHROME_UPDATE || details.reason === SHARED_UPDATE) {
// Do something here.
When the browser has just been open for the first time.
chrome.runtime.onStartup.addListener(() => {
// maybe open your favourite youtube channel
Receive/Send Messages for/to Content Scripts
We look at communication between background and content scripts more deeply in a the next article.
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request, sender, sendResponse)=>{
//request - data coming from the content
//sender - info about the sender
//sendResponse - a callback function to send data back to where its coming from.
if (request.myIdExists){
// do something
return true;
When one of the tabs has been updated
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(async function (tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
console.log(tabId, changeInfo, tab);
And so much more… You get the point. It’s a good place to do call APIs and other background tasks especially when the data is needed prior to a webpage or extension popup opening.
Unlike content scripts, background scripts can use all the chrome extension APIs; alarms, storage, runtime, contextMenu and many more.
Background Scripts and the DOM
Unlike content scripts, background scripts do not have access to the DOM, so code like
document.body.style.background = "gold";
does not work
Can I have multiple background scripts in my chrome extension?
Well the answer to this question is yes and no. You’ll notice that in the manifest.json
file declared above, the service_worker is just defined by one file. Manifest Version 3 does not allow you to include multiple background service worker scripts in your manifest.json
However there is a work around. By using the importScripts
function in main background script file, you can include the code from other files saved elsewhere in your project.
There are a lot of interesting things you can do with background scripts we hope the open the world of chrome extensions and its possibilities.